Terry Cloth Monk

I show up for work finally and tell my boss I have to go.

He nods. “Is that why you’re in your robe?”

I look down and he’s right. I’m no monk but I like the comfortable fit.

A friend once wrote that bathrobes are for sick people. Maybe she was right although I’ve never felt better. The boss hands me a clear Hefty bag of candy about one third full. It’s from a client.

I really don’t need the candy since I haven’t left the house in a year, but he holds the bag out towards me with silent insistence.

Once it starts, it’s easy to retreat. I’m a big believer in momentum.

What was once a job I liked is also easy to say goodbye to. People, too.

Even candy, which should have been a red flag but felt more like a checkered one at the end of a race. Cleaning out my desk is easy-peasy. On the wall, I notice a framed photo of the sales team without me—the four Bs in a diagonal line wearing Star Trek pants, arms crossed, no shirts. Just as well. I haven’t been working out. Never took to Star Trek. Never got the big deal.

I am, however, a fan of cooking shows. And cutlery demonstrations at county fairs. Waterless cookware, too. I don’t buy anything, but those guys are good. And the food they cook smells delicious, though they never offer tastes.

There’s a part of sales I like but it’s not the selling. I grab my Hefty bag and look around the office. Phones are ringing, everyone looks busy. I give half a wave, but no one sees it. Smell of commissions in the air.

I won’t miss it, and it won’t miss me and there’s a beautiful lesson in that. Maybe I am enlightened in this robe, a terrycloth monk. Won’t shave my head, though. All those years I battled to wear long hair. Astonishing now, remembering the fights over a ponytail. Over miniskirts my sister wore, the Dean of Girls with her ruler and scissors dropping down hems at school.

My friend who said robes were for sick people in that story she wrote has been gone 20 years now. Still, I respectfully disagree.

A good line at the time is not always true later.

I slip out of the office with the bag of candy over my shoulder and discover a paperclip in my pocket. I may have just stolen an office supply. But I’m not going back. Call it severance pay. I give the candy to an accordion player on the corner with two kids. Press my finger into the paperclip, feeling the skin trying to squeeze through, but there are no shortcuts. Just a nifty design that serves a purpose and fits in a pocket. Unlike me.

Guy Biederman

 MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature


Hang A Lantern on The Carpenter's Mistake

These are things the dead can teach us: every opportunity to be generous is itself a generous gift; no property or thing has more value than a friend; we all know how this will end & along the way sorrow will have its say. . . .so stay a little longer in the chair for the purr from the cat on your chest, it’s not yet time to rise; don’t sweat the cat hair stuck on your favorite fleece; don’t sweat the cat hair on the coat of the person next to you in line; let go of 10-pound anger, 50-pound grudges, pinches of envy, and bitter types of all dimensions; hang a lantern on the carpenter’s mistake; say hello to all you pass while out for a soggy walk...or a sunny one; get that coat with all the buttons; wear that hat; go for the new haircut and put your fate in the hands of a barber you don’t know; forget it, let it grow; regret is a beast that doesn’t want out, let it have the house, leave no forwarding address; buy all your own books and give each one away; buy all your friends’ books and hear their voices in every line; art is no chapter in your life, it’s your autobiography with a spine; go play on a parallel cloud, give a wave; toss the seagulls a crust, give a shrug to the bread police; uncertainty is temporary, to be beloved is not; to be remembered in a poem is eternity; similes for death are like tomatoes hanging on a winter vine; as the end draws near make a smile be the last thing you see on planet earth; make a smile be the legacy you share; these are the things the dead can teach us, these are the poems they leave behind, with love.

By Guy Biederman

MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature, Issue 11:January 2022 Prose Poem