Heavens To Murgatroyd
My heavens to murgatroyd philosophy: If I were to exit stage left tomorrow would I want to be doing what I'm doing today?
"The minute you begin to do what you want, it's a different kind of life." Buckminster Fuller
My heavens to murgatroyd philosophy: If I were to exit stage left tomorrow would I want to be doing what I'm doing today?
"The minute you begin to do what you want, it's a different kind of life." Buckminster Fuller
This morning driving back to the docks from across the bridge I was thinking of that Mary Oliver line about her job in this life is to be dazzled. I love that.
I remember a friend visited and was blown away by our life on the water. She asked how I ever got any work done around here. I said, well I just make it my work.
Job requirement: ability to be dazzled. Love that. And it’s enough. Simple is usually best. Yesterday over coffee a friend said I was one of those people who writes everyday and I was thinking sometimes it’s because I have to write.
This morning I thought, actually, it’s because I get to write.
This morning I made the coffee, fed the cats, watered the plants
Went up to the roof, took 10 deep breaths, practiced qigong, tai chi
and watched the golden sunrise grow milky white.
Downstairs I read Mary Oliver with Capt. Orange purring in
my lap, with some Bukowski chaser, typed these words
sitting in the brown leather chair, the Mac balanced on
the leather arm because it’s the cat who's the laptop.
These mornings before 7:00 fill my day. They say
breakfast is the most important meal. I haven’t
had a bite, but I feel full.
Things I've Seen Float By
- A skiff with a man at the oars and a woman playing accordion
- A heart shaped rose petal
- My neighbor's houseboat being towed out for a bottom job
- A whiskery seal
- A man standing on a paddle board with a dog on the front
- Garden clippings
- A seagull
- A seaplane
- A beer can
- The month of October
Maybe our world will grow kinder eventually.
Maybe the desire to make something beautiful
is the piece of God that is inside each of us.
- Mary Oliver, Blue Horses
Peace Corps memory: a sunset on Lake Atitlan, people drawn towards the shore, alone and in pairs, silently sharing the beauty & wonder of light on the water & across the sky.
Early this morning as the sun rose across the bay I went to the roof and beheld the glow, saw neighbors on their decks, on their roofs sharing in the silent wonder of beauty, the golden joy of light ~
Winning post by Linda Saldaña
Walking the planks, shadows and light catch my eye and stop me in my tracks for a moment of wonder.
I was reading Facebook, checking email, looking for my morning writer's almanac poem, cup of coffee in one hand and a cat in my lap, having already seen Tu off to her early morning shift at Driver's.
A text came in: The sun right now!
Off went the cat and the mac. I climbed the stairs and beheld this, sharing the wonder with two early risers on the dock below.